
I was struck by something I’ve never noticed before in a most familiar passage of Scripture. In Psalm 23 it says that the Lord makes me lie down, causes me to lie down, makes sure I lie down. So I can look up.

Later I spent much time this morning in Psalm 146 by annotating each of the descriptions of God with some passage from the Gospels where the Lord Jesus Christ exhibited the same characteristic.

The Psalms in my daily reading are almost at Psalm 150. I’ll soon begin the book again, according to my Bible Reading Plan.

I began my study of Icelandic in preparation for a forthcoming trip. I read the first 150 pages in an Icelandic Grammar, the reading frequently punctuated with my habitual near profanity of “Good Grief!” However, when I got to the noun declensions and found over twenty pages of charts, a loud “Holy Sh*t” did actually escape me. Icelandic, the closest thing to Old English, is not a language for wimps.

Today almost my whole family gathered at daughter Anna’s for a feast. Fourteen of us.

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