Habakkuk Reference Books

Books I have found useful in studying Habakkuk (These are available on my bookshelves if you would like to borrow some):

  • Commentary on the Old Testament, Volume 10 The Minor Prophets by C.F. Keil with F. Delitzsch (Eerdman’s)
  • Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times by Donald B. Redford (Princeton)
  • Explore the Book by J. Sidlow Baxter (Zondervan)
  • The Expositor’s Bible Commentary with the NIV, Volume 7 Daniel and the Minor Prophets, Habakkuk by Carl E. Amerding, Frank C. Gaebelein, Editor (Zondervan)
  • An Introduction to the Old Testament by Raymond B. Dillard and Tremper Longman IIIi
  • Minor Prophets of Israel: A Self-Study Guide by Irving L. Jensen (Moody Press)
  • A Survey of Israel’s History by Leon J. Wood (Zondervan)
  • A Survey of Old Testament Introduction by Gleason Archer, Jr. (Moody)
  • A Survey of the Old Testament by W.W. Sloan (Abingdon)
  • Talk Thru the Bible by Bruce Wilkinson (Nelson)

Helpful study notes on the text of Habakkuk:

The MacArthur Study Bible, ESV (Crossway)
The ESV Study Bible (Crossway)
The NASB Study Bible (Zondervan)

The most helpful paraphrase in modern language:

The Message: the Bible in Contemporary Language by Eugene H. Peterson (NavPress)

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Nicely Nauseated

To be nauseated is the proper term for feeling sick in the stomach. Nauseous, on the other hand, means something is sickening to contemplate. Don’t say you feel nauseous unless you mean you are sickening for others to contemplate.

Nice actually does have a specific meaning: precise, sometimes in the sense of delicateness. If something was a nice distinction it was precise, not necessarily mildly pleasant.

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An excellent and serviceable word that I don’t think I have ever heard or seen in print before today. It means giving a misleading impression.

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